Meanwhile, price regulation should be taken for the natural monopoly industry with strong network characters, and effect produced by the law of increasing returns can be magnified. 并对网络性较强的自然垄断产业实施价格规制,放大整个产业报酬递增规律效应。
The Analysis on the Dissipation of Rent and Policy Optimization in China's Affordable Housing under Price Regulation 我国经济适用房价格管制中的租值耗散和政策优化分析
Drug Expenditure and Drug Price Regulation in Canada 加拿大药品费用及药品价格管理介绍
Through historical review of health service price regulation and locale investigation, clarified the health service price supervision system and ways in our country, etc. 医疗服务项目的成本成为价格制定的基础,但目前尚没有科学可观的方法将成本以阶梯分摊的形式分摊到医疗服务项目中。
Research on Power Supply Price Regulation Based on Improved Price Cap Model 基于改进价格上限的输配电价监管模型
Research on Features and Price Regulation Mode of Urban Rail Transit 城市轨道交通特性及价格管制模式研究
The government shall build a major merchandise reserve system and establish a price regulation fund to control prices and stabilize the market. 政府可以建立重要商品储备制度,设立价格调节基金,调控价格,稳定市场。
Probe into the necessity of establishing cost accounting standards from price regulation and government procurement 从价格管制和政府采购看制定成本会计准则的必要性
Research on Urban Water Price Regulation Based on Water Cycle 基于水循环视角的城市水价管制研究
The Research on Price Regulation Mechanism of Electric Power Transmission and Distribution in China Based on the Incentive Regulation Theory 基于激励性管制理论的我国输配电环节价格管制机制研究
The paper studies the malign price competition in Chinese telecom market according to the actual problems of the price regulation of Chinese telecommunication. 摘要从我国电信资费规制的实际问题出发,对我国电信市场中存在的恶性资费竞争问题进行研究。
The Study of Validity of China's Monetary Policy on Price Regulation and Control 我国货币政策对物价调控的有效性研究
Productive Factors, Power Price Regulation Reform and the Efficiency of Thermal Power Enterprises: Stochastic Frontier Evidence from A-share Listed Companies 生产要素投入、电价规制改革与火电企业的效率&来自A股上市公司的随机前沿证据
Its profitability is limited by domestic price regulation and a crippling export tax. 其盈利能力受到国内价格管制和苛刻出口税的限制。
Considering that the effect of regulation policies on housing market is not yet satisfactory, this paper establishes a housing price regulation model based on expectation theories. 针对我国目前住宅市场宏观调控前期效果不太理想的问题,建立住宅市场价格调控预期模型;
Price Regulation and Capital Structure Choice: Empirical Evidence from Listed Companies in China 价格规制与企业资本结构的选择&来自我国上市公司的经验证据
In Britain, when price regulation was disbanded in1997, supermarkets rushed in and now sell a quarter of all books, according to the way that Nielsen, a market-research outfit, calculates it. 1997年,英国解除价格管制以后,超市大量涌入售书业。根据市场调查小组nielsen的方式来计算,现今超市售书占总售书量得四分之一。
Chapter Two analyzes the traditional regulation means in the natural monopoly, mainly the price regulation and entry regulation. 第二章对自然垄断中的传统规制方法进行了分析。主要分析了价格规制和进入规制。
Furthermore, price regulation principles and targets are not definite. The regulation function dispersed. 同时价格管理中还存在着管制目标和原则不够清晰明确、管制职能分散、对管制缺乏有效的监督和约束等问题。
At last, a new price regulation combining yardstick competition with RPI-X in electricity distribution market is given. 最后,提出了基准竞争与最高限价(RPI-X)联合的配电市场价格监管新方法。
Price regulation is the limitation to property right, and this limitation should be justified. 价格管制是对财产权的限制,这种限制的正当性需要证明。
Price regulation is to standardize prices, which is different from price control. 价格规制是对价格的一种规范,价格规制并不等同于价格控制。
Since market economy, price regulation policy can basically be a positive incentive to increase output and supply. 进行市场经济建设以来,价格管制基本上能够起到正面激励被管制企业增加产出、增加供给的作用。
Aiming at power supply reliability, this paper designs a reward mechanism and a corresponding electricity price regulation method. 本文针对供电可靠性设计了一种奖励机制和相应的供电价格规制方法。
This paper discusses the method of electricity supply price regulation considering power supply reliability. 本文主要研究考虑供电可靠性的供电价格规制方法。
Methods to restrain the market power of generation companies using admittance system and price regulation are discussed. 论文对如何通过电力市场的准入制度、发电企业横向兼并审批制度、价格管制制度来抑制发电商行使市场力进行了探讨。
Finally, specific measures to standardize and improve the price regulation of urban industry. 最后提出规范和完善我国城市燃气产业管制的具体措施。
Specific ways of bus entry regulation, price regulation, quality regulation are analyzed. 对公交进入规制、价格规制、质量规制的具体方式进行了分析。
But the government needs to enhance the agricultural product market price regulation. 但政府需要增强对农产品市场价格的调控。